

The latest offering from director ? and writer Paul Haggis (surprising - he must have co-wrote this fable about extra-marital affairs with THE OBVIOUS GUY.) What starts as sort of a cool young adults in love turns into a drawn out will he fuck around on her - will she take him back - kind of movie and I mean that in every sense. There are nearly 4 relationships here (all well played and acted by some really people - it's the writing that lets this film down - and some really obvious direction.) I really like Zach Braff, but by the time this is in it's 3rd leg you're ready to move on. This disc also possesses possibly the most self-congratulatory set of extras I've ever heard. There are segments like "The musings behind our favorite scenes, Final Thoughs - and it goes on - there's 8 extras - even after FINAL THOUGHTS. It's a long 90 minutes. For fans of light romance - go for it. Zach Braff fans - again, he is the star and he is quite good. But this film that wants to be everything to everybody only walks away with a...
Grade: C -

A painfully bad film with some first class actors in a script that appears to have been written by THE OBVIOUS GUY. It's about these counselors coming back together to the camp where they all grew up. It's a funny concept ripe with possiblities that this lame film flitters away like water off a duck's back. The worst part of this is that I fell asleep while this was on and I kept hearing snatches of dialog and thinking I was watching a different, better film, only awaking to find that I was still stuck in INDIAN SUMMER hell.
Grade: D

Don't ask me how I know this, but apparantly, Superbowls are never played on Wednesdays.

Have you seen the promo for FREEDOM WRITERS that has been popping up on cable - the movie about Hilary Swank inspiring young black students to write? You should see the promo - it's this crazy puff piece about how Hilary meshed with all the young black kids and they show endless shots of the kids and Hilary "vibing." Don't eat before watching this.

Ali G's first film before BORAT (actually - he had already shot Borat and decided it didn't work at all. He called Larry Charles of SEINFELD and ENTOURAGE fame to direct the 2nd version - which was a blockbuster. I wonder if the aborted BORAT will ever see the light of day.) Anyway - this film sucked - amateurish, badly concieved - with nary a laugh. Ali G is also the most boorish character in Sasha's cannon, and this incarnation is no exception. It's sort of funny with unsuspecting people and hidden cameras - with a script and actors - it's intolerable.
Grade: D

Watched the Bowie ep and then the Daniel Radcliffe ep. Both great, and this is turning into a most excellent series, if a bit more over the top then THE OFFICE BBC ever was. I think there are only 2 left - and then...I think that's the end. This is not worthy of the xmas 2 parter that concluded THE OFFICE - but I sure like it and will miss it when it's gone. Ricky is always great, but Stephan Merchant seriously shines here.
Grade: A
More engaging then you'd think. The little blonde girl was strange but really empathetic. The hot thing, Misfit, had the bod, the looks, the voice - but no passion. My pick for the winner - I'll be shocked if it's not Persia, the plus-sized rapper from the Bronx. And what about the guy who keeps screaming about "Ghetto Revival?" John Brown. He could rap, but he's also comes off half way retarded. This show might be getting better.
Grade: C +

I saw this recently on dvd - had never seen this before. Reminded me a LOT of the Meatloaf/Steinman early days. It's based on Faust, and in this version a pop singer sells his soul to the devil to be rich and famous. Brian DePalma directed this in a crazy, frentic style. Paul Williams was sort of an interesting actor - and a fantastic singer/songwriter. Once the movie goes off the rails (about the one hour mark of a 90 minute film) - the thing you really remember is how good the music and singing was. Definitely an interesting curio and I'll probably download the CD. But the film is a bit too silly to be taken seriously. Still - it's a cult classic and it has a lot of fans out there judging by my quick parusal of the fan sites.
Grade: B -

I like this show, feel for Tom, but every episode is more or less the same.
Grade: C

Written by David Mamet in the 80s and directed by Stuart Gordon of RE-ANIMATOR fame, I kind of really liked this distubing movie. The road it goes down is nothing new, from FALLING DOWN to - Oh, I don't know - we've seen it all before. A nice guy loses his cool and inhibitions and goes crazy - but the acting here by Bill Macy, Julia Stiles, Joe Montegna and a bunch of others is really good, the movie is really short and, it's kind of lurid. I liked it. A LOT.
Grade: B


Requim For A Dream

I recently re-watched this with a friend and had forgotten how crazy and well done this was. If you have 5.1, the sound is insane. The best role of Jared Leto's life, and Jennifer Conolly never looked lovlier, younger (how did they do that?) and more pathetic. Yeah, I guess the whole point of the film is "drugs are bad," but if the message is this detailed and this well told, I could hear it a hundred times. Great extras including a fantastic audio commentary from the writer/director Darren Aronofsky (who was supposed to direct the new BATMAN but bowed out.)
Grade: A +

I actually thought this was going to be a particularly sucky reality show - and it's really good and original. I thought it would be cheesy - but Estrada, Wee Man and Jack Osbourne are really serious and shockingly good as policemen. Particularly Estrada and Wee Man. Wee Man, after this and JACKASS, has really emerged as a funny, humane guy. I know this sounds ridiculous - and believe me - when you see LaToya patting someone down and grabbing their crotch wearing that crazy babushka on her head - but I'm telling you - this is a very well produced show and it's more trenchant that you'd think.
Grade: B

The first Oliver Stone directed film starring a pre-bullshit James Belushi and much less histrionic James Woods - a complete knockout that has a lot in common with SCARFACE at times (Stone wrote SCARFACE the year before and the film shares many moods and even actors.) The extras are great and plentiful, and the movie is still shattering. He would go on to make PLATOON in the same year, but this is the better film.
Grade: A +

3rd episode. Pooty lost his shit. NY kept saying, in her completely understanding way, "Pootie long his mother f...ing dang mind!" I like the guy who said he was worth 100 million and the dinner they went on to discuss his wealth - and then the credit report came out. This is becoming one wacky show - just the way I expected it to.
Grade: A

Enjoyably hectic as usual - however - it's sort of taken on the trappings of a criminal soap opera - a very good one at that. The last reveal of the veep doing what he did (trying no spoilers) was epic, and the T-Bag story continues it's twisted path, though I think I liked him when he was on the move, charming people. In any case, the show continues to be completely compelling.
Grade: A

I keep watching this by accident when I wake up - and I have to say - she might be a bigger tool then even Ryan Seacrest. She's inane. And she should stop trying to cover the weight gain with those ridiculous little girl dresses - it's not her looks that are the problem - it's her annoying personality and complete non-ability to conduct an interview without laughing and kissing up to the guest. You would think she has a few questions that mean anything - but nope, she's a tool.
Grade: D

Jimmy has been on a hilarious role, and now he has Keith and Kenneth from IDOL (the bush-monkey and the heavy set kid) doing interviews. This could be the ushering in of a great new era.

Still waiting for STERN ON DEMAND to post the documentary about the gang's trip to Bubba's wedding.

Another somewhat lame ep. Dwight is asked back to Dundler-Mifflin, and the guy from THE DAILY SHOW creeps everyone out. This one just didn't gell, and any ep that pays too much attention to either Dwight or Angela is undoubtedtly going to go straight over the top. I think they might all need to watch the entire BBC series for a look at how to get it right.
Grade: C

An ok ep about Tina Fey almost finding love and Alec Baldwin trading jobs with Kenny the page. The bit at the end, with GOLD CASE was sort of funny - but they really need to do something interesting with Tracey Morgan at this point - he's funny, but he needs a real character in this. The crazy bit can't work every week.
Grade: B -

PRIMER (SUNDANCE)I watched the whole movie - about time traveling young scientists - liked the tone but never really got the convoluted plot.
Grade: C -

So many words to describe this show, yet only one keeps coming back to me: Retarded.
Grade: D

It's one thing to actually have material and satirize it. It's another just to mention those movies and believe that just by mentioning those movies - somehow you're waist deep in satire. This is complte utter shit.
Grade: F



Off to a GREAT start - the 16 year old crack baby was fantastic. Simon was crueler then usual and Paula is out of her fucking mind. Let the games begin! They've also fixed their annoying habbit of telegraphing who does well at the auditions SOMEWHAT. God forbid they just let the tape run without the tool-of-the-century Ryan fuckface Seacrest giving his ridiculous commentary "They sure got a great audition from this little guy!" It's much more exciting to NOT KNOW what's going to happen when someone opens his mouth - but they've gotten a little better at it this year.
Grade: A -

Jimmy Kimmel said it best Tues. night - "You have Vanilla Ice using this advice from Eric Estrada and giving it to Vern Troyer." It's that insane - and that fun. Chyna Doll and Brigitte Nielson have some kind of disgusting vile thing going on - and I intend to watch every gross minute of it. If Chyna isn't the biggest train-wreck on television - then I don't know who is.
Grade: B +

The gang learns spanish in an ep that seemed REALLY contrived by the producers.
Grade: D

I give up on this show. What started as a great expose' into the adult film industry has turned into a completely staged event that doesn't seem real or authentic for even a minute. A shame - since all they have to do is leave the cameras running - but these idiots just have to produce - and make the show seem insanely fake and written.
Grade: F

My current obsession - this is a great show that features great drama and best of all - great food. What's with that guy Marcel? I kind of liked him till he did his "rap." And I like the guy Michael - who was kind of like the Artie Lange of the group - he even looked like him. A dead ringer, actually.
Grade: B +

Funnier then ever.
Grade: A +

I almost started to love this show again, but after the spectacular 3rd episode, it's been all boringly downhill.
Grade: C -

Courtney Love is sort of the culmination of everything I've always hated about show-biz. She's fake - she's marginally talented, marginally pretty (and losing that every single day) - and so narcisstic and full of herself that it's borderline beyond-belief. She talks about the Kimmel-Roast for Pam Anderson and says "Someone should've just said - Get out of here. Go!" Like the world has to look out for her. She constantly talks about her celeb friends - can't get through a fucking sentence without mentioning little annoying things like "Elton gave me those." Or - "I have to pray for my friend - he's in Hollywood - really big star." She's such a star-fucker, AND she drove Kurt Cobain to suicide - and that, in my book, gets an...
Grade: F
but - a:
Grade: B
for filmaking.

However - as fucked up as she is - Kurt had his own problems. But I miss Nirvana and find it inconcievable that Kurt is dead. I'm sure being married to fuck face didn't help.

I had no idea what a drug snorting, pill popping, food orgiastic pig Elvis had turned into in the final days. God, I relate. (Not to the drugs - but the food.)
Grade: B +

Jake was shockingly funny and The Shins are really good - the whole thing was pretty funny - a rarity this season. They still need to delete Seth Myers from the equation before he does more damage. He needs off the show and to stop wreaking havoc on UPDATE.
Grade: B -

Did Dwight quit? This show can be really funny - it can also be seriously over the top and just plain dumb. This ep was one of those.
Grade: D

Really on a roll and funnier then ever. It was great to see Alec Baldwin win his Golden Globe for the funniest portrayel on tv - however, I'd like to see Tracey Morgan have more of a fleshed out character.
Grade: A -

The dogs were heart breaking, but between Paul "Iceman" Walker and Jason "Suddenly Straight-haired" Biggs, this movie was impossible to enjoy.
Grade: C

Getting funnier and funnnier.
Grade: B -

Borat had the night's funniest speech. Everything else on the show was the usual bore. Although it was nice to see Scorsesee pick up an award for his just-okay film. Where was ROCKY BALBOA during all this?

I just watched the screener - great movie, great performances. A must see.
Grade: B +

Very funny. Off to a great start - though some bits were pushed to their limit - and the guest stars seem to want it in their contract that their humor can emulate David Brent from the THE OFFICE BBC - from which I suppose is how this whole enterprise got started. Nonetheless, they've gelled into a very funny and knowing show that sometimes misses but always aims with great respect for the audience. And you'll laugh out loud. But like THE OFFICE BBC - it's a show that works best in order - so I suggest you rent the first season, then watch the new ones ON DEMAND on HBO as they roll out. Good stuff.
Grade: B+

I started to watch this with the intention of following the season - then I saw Donald, then I saw the wierd looking son, then I saw the gorgeous daughter, then I saw him posing with his gorgeous wife - and I realized that the show's main theme has been completely compromised. I deleted the program and have deleted all future airings. I don't think I give a shit about this show anymore. Besides - how many apprentices can one man have?

Stupid fun. Nothing special - but the girls are particularly pathetic this year.
Grade: C +

More of the same but with less inspired moments. Too much focus on the people clearly there to do some shtick and get on tv.
Grade: A -

I'm getting a lot of shit for including ROCKY BALBOA so much in this blog and for naming it one of the best of the year. There is a difference between a film that makes you think, and a film you just enjoy. While ROCKY might not have had the fucking political agenda of a BLOOD DIAMOND, it certainly had universal concerns that all men face, and resurrected a character that has been one of our favorites for decades. And, unlike so many re-births, this movie actually - you know what - if you've seen it and think it sucks - I understand. But don't judge me for loving the Italian Stallian.

I started to watch RUMOR HAS IT and it was even worse then I could have ever suspected. Mark Rafallo is a great actor - he must have had to take OxyCotten to get through this one. It went off after 20 minutes - after every single person involved had embarressed themselves on film forever.

And I don't care what anybody says, BAT OUT OF HELL 3 was great.


1st Blog Of The Year - I LOVE NEW YORK!

This was one of the best celebrity interviews I've ever seen and the best reason in the world to subscribe to Howard, whether it's by Radio or IN DEMAND, Stern has the hands down best, most open forum for adult conversation. Tracy was at his very best in this hour culled from the radio show, and the crew was both astonished and a hilarious sounding board for some of Tracy's more insane moments. This might have been the funniest hour of tv I've seen in months. This is what Howard meant by freedom of speech. Human, insightful dialog about life and what we all go through as human beings. This was one of Howard's finest hours.
Grade: A +

Speaking of the Stern show, Artie Lange absolutely fucking murdered on Letterman last week.

Re-watched the dvd - haven't dug into the extras yet, but already, this is one of the funniest films ever made. "Grandpa's balls" has to be seen to be believed.
Grade: A

In it's 3rd episode this show went from 30 to 90 - a seriously riveting hour that re-birthed the entire show. No spoilers, but this is something you might want to think about watching, and this episode kept topping itself. It also included the (so far) most disturbing scene of 2007 thus far.
Grade: A -

Bush came to dinner and fell off the wagon. Pretty funny.
Grade: B

The promo ON DEMAND keeps running for that Jennifer Anniston movie about the Graduate has to be the worst thing I've ever fucking seen. I can't imagine watching that movie and being forced to watch Jeffifer's "funny mock-outrage" acting. I'd rather die. What's the name of that stupid movie? I think it's RUMOR HAS IT. Yikes.

The continuing story of Jim and Tammy Faye Baker's son, Jay. This is a terrific, smart show and Jay is a fascinating and smart subject. The recent 2 parter that had him visiting with his defrocked, but now popular again televangelist Jim Baker was pure gold, and completely unusual and nothing like any show on network tv right now.
Grade: B +

CLASSIC ALBUMS: U2 - The Joshua Tree (VH1)
Another great installment of a fantastic show. The best parts are always in the studio, when they separate the vocal tracks and let us listen in on the bare roots of the album. But this hour focused a bit more on the group, which we've all heard before, and less on the music.
Grade: B

Did you see that guy who tried to have his wife killed, then the cops bust in while he's paying the "hitman" - and he screams at the cops "Kill me! Kill me!" He looked like an ad for nerdy central casting. Then they cut to 4 years later - the guy is out of jail and he looks completely different - like a Soprano type mob boss - and the kids now love the father, support him and spend time with him. Meanwhile, the mother, who was plotted to be killed, has to deal with this guy still in her life - unreal.
Grade: B

The worst of the worst. This has been the worst season of SNL since Michael Anthony Hall and Robert Downy Jr. took over the show.
Grade: F

A huge curio piece, one needs to know that when the original SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE was shot, the idea was to shoot 2 movies, the first and a sequel, simultaneously (an idea which came to fruition decades later) - and it just didn't work out. Richard Donner was the man to direct both films, and had directed tons of footage for SUPERMAN 2, but then they ran up against a release date for SUPERMAN and the producers decided to take the ending for part 2 - tack it on to part one, and worry about the rest later. When Donner blew up - they replaced him with Richard Lester - best known for A HARD DAY'S NIGHT to bring some "Comedy" into the series. But for years, fans wanted the sequel with Donner's vision - a vision the fan's felt was more in line with the series - to wit, Lester went on to make part 3 - with Richard Pryor - largely the film that is mostly considered to have halted the franchise. (They made a part 4 - but nobody cared and they financed it independently.)

Anyway - the web network of SUPERMAN geeks demanded that Donner's vision be restored, and so - The Donner Cut - 20 years later. Having just seen it - I can say "who cares." Some of the scenes are better - some are worse. It's still not as good as the first one, and the logic in the new version completely goes against the logic in the first - you can only watch if you imagine that part 1 ends with the same cliffhanger they thought they would end with. There's lots of behind the scenes footage on how they cobbled this together - and they used a lot of screen tests for scenes - which is not the best idea, since the performances weren't really up to par during some of the most important sequences (in this version, Lois shoots Clark to prove he's Superman - but the actor's don't seem to be taking it too seriously. Still - a great curio if you must - but they needn't have bothered. Lastly, in both movies Superman turns back time - and magically Lex Luthor disappears - now how do they explain that? Still, with the extras about putting the old stuff together, Richard Donner's angry commentary (a sequel itself, of sorts, to his angry commentary on SUPERMAN 1) this is quite an entertaining package - I just don't think the movie really came together on all cylinders. Not that the alternate version is any better - I just think when they used the device of killing Lois and having Superman do his time travel thing in part 1, they lost the best elements of the sequel. Still - an entertaining package.
Grade: B

And watching the old SUPERMAN movies made me nostalgic and even more resentful about how the SUPERMAN sucked so bad, even though it had a good star and good music - the story absolutely sucked - and Kate Bosworth and whoever played her husband sucked.


Directed by Michael Cuesta, who directed many 6 FEET UNDERs, this is a great, unsung movie that you've probably never heard of - but it's really good and unusually grim for a film about kids.
Grade: B

This new set is da bomb for ROCKY fans. Although it still contains the very shitty 5.1 mix (you're better off going with 2.0 dolby - that's the way we originally heard it in the theaters. If you have a 5.1 set up - set it to 2.0, then hit 5 channel stereo so you get the surround mix - otherwise, in 5.1, all the classic music cues have been completely squelched down in the mix.) Otherwise - the print looks amazing - Stallone does a first class audio commentary, and there's even a 90 minute brand new docu on the making of the film. Forget the old editions - this new one has everything from the previous editions, plus TONS of new stuff - ROCKY has finally gotten the treatment it deserves. NOTE: you might want to hold off, as I'm sure MGM is planning a ROCKY 6 PACK set, including new editions of all the films with extras.
Grade: A +

Had on Trumb and the girl from 24 - pretty funny.

A docu on female wrestling that sticks to the talking heads format so closely it never really takes off.
Grade: C

Much funnier then I had anticipated - John C. Reilly is great, as is the always funny Mr. Farrel. And if you don't like racing - it doesn't matter - this is a first class comedy.
Grade: B

I turned it off after a half hour - couldn't get into it no matter what.
Grade: D

I turned this off, too - but I might've reacted too soon, as the reviews for this latest edition were stellar.

Been watching the last batch of eps - still can't believe this - the best new law show in years - is getting the ax.
Grade: B +

Kill Gill, parts 1 & 2. Hilarious episode that has a moocher moving in with The Simpsons and overstaying his welcome.
Grade: B +

Getting kind of boring.
Grade: C +

Watched the first four episodes...am I missing something - or is this much lauded show really this obvious and cloying? Does it get better?

UPDATE: So - I watched the fourth episode and things are finally starting to click. So I will finish the first season and give this a proper review.

RENO 911! (DVD - SEASON 1)
Watched the first few - some funny laugh out loud stuff mixed with some rather obvious humor - but I'm going to finish the set.
UPDATE: Much like GREY'S - this show took a few eps to find itself, but now I'm laughing out loud at some of what goes on - though I wish they would be more docu like and less obvious sometimes.
Grade: B -

Haven't finished the set, but watched the first 3 or 4 eps - and based on what I saw - it's amazing the show survived. I guess you have to go back 30 years to realize that this stuff was ground-breaking, but based on the first few, which included bad sketches with the bee people, some GREAT music - Janice Ian did AT 17, and in the 2nd episode, the entire thing was songs by Paul Simon and a few by Art Garfunkle. It's amazing though - how quickly things got better - by episode 5, the elements to the show are really beginning to take place - and I'll do a real review on this once I finish the package.

ROCKY BALBOA (In Theaters)
Just another shout out to my favorite film of the year. If you can see this in a theater, do it.
Grade: A +

Completely disturbing, lacking of humor mostly, and the director's (Todd Field) second effort (after IN THE BEDROOM.) It's almost like a perverted episode of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, examining this seemingly perfect little bedroom town - but look deeper and there is some sick shit going on. Jackie Earl Haley, JR. - so good as BUDDY in the BAD NEWS BEARS movies (the older cool kid who drove a bike) completely reinvents himself as a first rate character actor and his performance in the film is the one you remember most.
Grade: B +

Forrest Whitaker is the main reason to see this and his chilling depiction of Idi Amin makes this a scary look back at that dictator's rise.
Grade: B -

More shenanigans from the celebs - this one doesn't look too interesting - but there is a nice mix of returnees, and Chyna Doll and Bridgett Nielson look like they might have something going on.
Grade: C +

Fun enough, but in reality, IDOL starts in a day or two - and this is a 4th class reject in light of that.
Grade: D

A bit much like BREAKING BONDADUCE, and I'm a little menaced that they chose such similar names, but again, after watching Sizemore's leaked porn, you know the guy has serious fucking problems. Watching him try to get himself straight here is both uplifting and frustrating. And he makes a fantastic subject. Another winner from VH1.
Grade: A -

Let's give it up to NEW YORK!!!! New York, the twice jilted lover of Flava Flav in FLAVOR OF LOVE, is now the star - picking between 20 men to be her true love. On hand is her over the top Mom, and in all, the both of them seem a lot less mentally insane from the other shows - but maybe young Tiffany is taking this show seriously and maybe when she's not in competition she's a lot easier - but expect the fireworks to fly. My prediction: Funnest show of the year.
Grade: A

A really tame interview followed by a powerhouse performance. I think Hudson is here to stay.

Okay - but you never believe for a second that it's celebrities are actually real. Which gives the whole enterprise a nice sheen of bullshit. Also - Courtney Cox is a bit much here in every way. But I like the reporter with the mental problems.
Grade: C +

BACK FROM VACATION. So Michael hooks up with Jan in Hawaii - takes a forbidden picture then accidentally sends it out to the world. Jan shows up - we think she's going to tear Michael a new one - but all she wants is to go back to his apt. and do the nasty. I love this show.
Grade: B +

Another fine outing, though not quite as fine as previous eps. But the scenes of Alec Baldwin dealing with his mother - I think he's going to get the best supporting actor Emmy for the next four years, like John Laroquette in NIGHT COURT - this guy is fucking pitch perfect.
Grade: B