
I got sick over the weekend, so this is just a short list of reviews. When I come back later in the week I'll talk about ZZyyzyx Road (the movie that made 30 bux) and the MEATLOAF SHOW I attended at the San Palo Casino. I'll probably post again on Monday.

Very good movie with Pierce Brosnan as a burnt out hitman and the increasingly talented Greg Kinear as his new friend. It's more of a character piece then a plot heavy film, and Brosnan has never been better. The comedy is quirky and the scenes always go a different way than you expect. A little seen gem with a great final half hour.
Grade: B

(I jotted some different thoughts throughout the telecast, so it's a bit mixed up and I'm currently very ill - too ill to really organize this - but these were sort of the running thoughts I had during the show.)

I could probably live my entire life and not see Ellen once again, comically "dance." She's kind of nice and genial - but whoever decided she was funny? 20 years and she hasn't made me laugh once. But the audience loves when she dances. Will Ferrel was pretty funny. Jack Black - what happened to him? He was really funny up until about a year or two ago. WTF?

I didn't care all that much for THE DEPARTED - a case of wanting to love a film - but frankly, I thought it was SO plot heavy that they forgot to have character moments - in fact, I honestly can't vividly remember one scene from the film. That aside - it was insanely emotional to watch Scorsese get his award. Even though I haven't loved a Scorsese film in a while - TAXI DRIVER is astonishing. GOODFELLAS, KING OF COMEDY, some of the best films ever. And RAGING BULL is my favorite movie of all time (probably.) So I didn't care that DEPARTED didn't live up to my lofty expectations - I was still glad it won all that it did - because in any case, the films up for nominations weren't exactly the best films of the year. Frankly, I thought BORAT, JACKASS 2, UNITED 93, and the woefully excluded ROCKY BALBOA were more enjoyable. And am I nuts, or is LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE perhaps the most overrated movie of the decade? And - I really did kind of love BABEL, though not enough to watch it more than once.

Ellen was fine, and a giant improvement over the God awful stylings of last year's John Stewart, who recycled every joke he ever made on DAILY SHOW. But Ellen isn't the answer, either. Jimmy Kimmel is the right guy for the job, and my prediction is it'll probably happen within the next couple of Oscars.

Otherwise, I thought Jennifer Hudson was quite moving in her acceptance speech, and even though I didn't see DREAMGIRLS yet, I still rooted for Eddie Murphy. The fact that the little kid from SUNSHINE won - well, what can I say? Ridiculous. Almost as horrifying as Nicholson's bald head.

I can't grade the Oscar telecast - it's kind of besides the point, but right now I'm watching the Barbara Walters special and she's extolling the virtues of Ellen's wacky dancing. Shoot me in the fucking head. And if Jay Leno ever hosts - I'll shoot myself.

Alan Arkin????? The only thing worse then his win was his horrible speech. The special fx orchestra was actually pretty cool. Having Randy Newman (whom I love) come out to do a song from yet another animated Disney movie is becoming something of a tired cliche at this point. Remember when he used to record real albums? TROUBLE IN PARADISE was a GREAT CD.

Did you see Ellen's hilarious Oscar holder strapped to her waste? Such scary fucking talent. She was much more interesting in her Barbara Walters special. I had no idea the hellish childhood that Ellen had. Don't get me wrong - I like Ellen - just don't think she's the right host.
Barbara's other interviews were pointless. The Eddie Murphy interview was good for one segment, but had a ridiculous part 2 where Eddie decided to be "funny." He wasn't. UPDATE: - I heard Eddie stormed out (according to US WEEKLY) after he lost to Alan Arkin - I hope this isn't true. Eddie should know the deal - he makes us laugh and acts nice, we don't bring up the transvestite in his car at 3:AM.

How cool is it that the Phil Collins version of GENESIS is touring this year?

Had a great week. The music video from IDOL ousted Jonathan & Kenneth was really fucking funny. The ONE DAY REHAB commercial was great, and Jimmy's interview with the hefty co-star from BORAT was really eye opening. The heavy set guy who - in the film BORAT gets locked in an unintentional 69 with Borat, was funny, spoke perfect English, and revealed that he owns THE DIP, a sandwich shop in both Hollywood and Encino.

Another winner from VH1 - the current network king of reality tv. This time we get a real life modeling agency where the agents are bloodthirsty to have their clients work. It feels extremely real and extremely stressful, and it seems like a very accurate portrayal of the insane world of modeling.
Grade: B +

DICE UNDISPUTED is coming. Jesus. I can't wait. I may not have high hopes, but I can't wait. I used to be a huge DICE fan back in the day, but now his funniest appearances are usually limited to the Howard Stern show.

THE SARAH SILVERMAN show has become the funniest half hour currently on tv.

EXTRAS (HBO - Season Finale')
Had a great finale, and really - the second season was much better than season one. I thought the stuff with Stephen Merchant showing Robert DeNiro his "naked" pen was hilarious. Ricky Gervais has said that this might be the last season, but the show feels like it needs one more season to finish up it's story.
Grade: A -

I fucking LOVE Artie Lange. I loved the extras - particularly on disc 2, which has a featurette on Artie backstage before his Kimmel appearance. Even the movie's commentary track is highly entertaining - and Artie is one of the funniest guys around. But this movie...best to watch with the commentary track. The problems with the film are too numerous to mention, although there a few scattered laughs. Artie's script is actually quite good, but the direction is truly amateur hour.
Film Grade: C -
Extras: B +

I just saw a rerun I'd never seen where all the characters get stuck in a snowstorm (the ep is title "Ice-Cubed.") Very funny and a real shout out to the structure of the late, great Seinfeld.

Saw this again and thing this was monstrously under appreciated.

Tomik is one of the very worst people that I've ever seen on a reality show. A complete fucking moron and as completely moronic as Zara is, Tomik demonstrated the most obscene behavior towards a woman that I could ever imagine. Zara is pathetic. The union of Danielle and the Pool Boy even more so - and this show is just what reality show dreams are made of.
Grade: A

HOGAN KNOWS BEST (VH1 - Season Finale')
I deleted it before I watched it. The description read "The Hogans hire a pet psychologist to help their pets adjust to Miami." At this point, they should really at least give the writer's teleplay credit.

I saw Jessica Simpson somewhere saying that EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH will literally make you "pee your pants." Yup. Her and Dane Cook. Comedy fucking gold.

Despite everything, Britney looks hot with the shaved head.

I had a really weird night Saturday - I was sick as a dog, and I fell asleep watching George Carlin's new HBO special. George has gotten really old and now thinks he just has to curse a lot to get laughs - but the problem is, you still need material. And while I won't argue with Carlin's past, his new stuff is sort of like the new...I don't know - it's not funny. The weird thing was I fell asleep watching it, then woke up and I guess HBO was running his first special from the early 80s and he was young and funny again and when I woke I didn't know what the fuck was happening.

Shocking because at least half of it was marginally funny. Rainn Wilson, whom I think single handidly ruined THE OFFICE, was actually pretty good and SNL's OFFICE parody was great. Strange. And very sad how I can't even watch the once mighty WEEKEND UPDATE, now that Seth Myers has smashed that segments funny bone with a hammer.

Where have you gone, David Brent?

Kenneth joins Tracy Jordan's posse. Funny. Alec Baldwin renogotiates the Jimmy Fallon-esque player's contract. Not so much.
Grade: B -

The MEATLOAF show in San Diego.
Finally here: The story of Zzyyxx Road and how it made 30 dollars at the box office.


I Would Do Anything For Love...

I'm off to San Diego for the weekend to go see MEATLOAF at the Pala Casino - have a great weekend!

Sasha Grey is 18 and has done 80 pornos. As wild as the story is, wilder still is Tyra's machinations and her "concerned" act. Tyra might be the most full of herself personality on television.

Last night's installment was pretty dumb. Ben wanted the girl who saved his life to die? The prisoners of THE OTHERS can get out of their cages and move around at will? This is getting bad - and really, the tension here is all washed away. The flashback with Bai Ling was completely pointless and ridiculous. Now they just need to stumble to their conclusion. So long, LOST. You were a lot of fun at the beginning. Hope u get great again.
Grade: C

I don't know - the thrill is gone.

Speaking of IDOL, why the fuck is every columnist calling Chris Nigh "Hilarious?" I mean, he's a genial, witty guy - but "hilarious?" They seem to be commenting on his appearance - which, I guess is "hilarious."

A fan made the video since none exists - but here is the very best song off of BAT OUT OF HELL 3 - "Blind As A Bat." And probably the best non-Steinman song that Meat's ever done.

An episode that revolved around a 17 year old girl who feels no pain. Perfectly played and written, with perhaps the promise of a future House/Cuddy romance.
Grade: A

All kind of sucked. I still like Chris Nigh- the huge dude with the afro - but dude, it's WAY too early to be mixing it up with Simon - and you did it badly.

Many of you have probably already seen the footage of Joe Rogan screwing with hack comic and thief extraordinaire Carlos Mencia. If you haven't, watch this link...

the best part of all of this is that Joe Rogan is probably one of the worst comics ever in the history of comedy. But - he will beat you up.

Vince McMahon offers Hogan a 20 year contract. I enjoyed the show, yet felt it was so scripted that I don't even know how to review this anymore. I realize that these reality shows need to edit for story, but HOGAN and BAM'S UNHOLY UNION seem to be fully written sitcoms without the laughs.
Grade: ???

Matt Dillon in sort of another retelling of BARFLY. Dillon makes a great Bukowski, but ultimately the film is draggy and not very profound, drawing no great conclusions between the poet's work and his life. The acting and the direction are good, but it's a very uneventful script. Still, for fans of Charles Bukowski, this seems like a must see. For the casual fan - I don't know. Catch it on cable in a few sittings. But there's not one great scene in this movie.
Grade: C

SHOOTING SIZEMORE (VH1) - Season Finale'
The season came to a really uneventful close that extolled the virtues of sobriety by showing you how boring Tom is when he's not loaded. But it was nice to see him end on a win, and this short run series shed light on a guy who we only knew through the tabloids and sex tapes and great, great performances.
Series Finale' Grade: C +
First Season Grade: B

GRAY'S ANATOMY (1st Season dvd set)
Finished this up and thought it was just okay. I guess I'll delve into season 2, but the last few of these were on the boring side.
First Season Grade: C -

I just watched most of Richard Linklatter's latest and thought it was interesting to look at for the first 20 minutes, had some great dialoge, but couldn't really hang nor follow the story well enough to care that much. Definitely a stoner movie - but watch it sober like me and I suspect you'll get bored pretty fast. I couldn't stick around for the last half hour on this, but I understand there is a mind blower of a trippy ending, but luckily, my NETFLIX DVD sleeve revealed the entire ending and paradox before I ever started the movie, so I was grateful not to experience that. Thank you, Netflix.
Grade: C

HUMAN TRAFIC (DVD - Lifetime miniseries)
This is a great 3 hour mini put on dvd by Lifetime that explores the horrifying world of sexual slavery. In the new Russia, pretty Russian girls are enticed to come to America with these seemingly nice model agency types. Once on board, they're sold into sexual slavery. A great subject with a tv movie feel to it.
Grade: C +

I stumbled across this video by accident but it's great - it's this 17 year old singer doing AT 17 and I'VE NEVER BEEN TO ME - she has an amazing voice.
Coming: The Story of ZZyyXXX Road and why it only made 30 bux in the theater.


Songs Of Blog!

NORBIT (In Theaters)
A truly vile, incompetent, hateful piece of shit.
Grade: F

You're still the one, baby.
Grade: A

Recently re-watched the first season of the American version - a pretty good batch of episodes. While the pilot was more of a direct copy, the second episode, written by BJ Novack, was "RACIAL DIVERSITY DAY." That was probably the first season high water mark and set a standard for the show. I remember season 2 being pretty great as well. It's a shame this season had such a strong start and such a weak middle. The last batch of eps have been the pits. But this first season set is a good one. Though, you realize while watching it that it will simply never come close to the brilliance of BBC version.
Grade: B

Bye, Bye, Mr. Boston. A ho-hum installment.
Grade: C

Yawn. (sigh.) Bullshit. (sigh.) Yawn.
Grade: D

Awesome. I just remember laughing all the way through.
Grade: A

I'm starting a new program on the Blog. Songs of the Blog. So every blog will have one or two links to songs that I love. Enjoy.

call me what you like - this is a great old dramatic song.

A great Billy Joel song rendered live:

Is on somewhat of an upswing. The last few episodes have been hilarious. This last ep, spoofing Michael Apted's 42 UP series was great.
Grade: B +

Every now and then - this show gets it just right. This particular episode that employed the ingenious contest of having the celebrities have to pick out hookers from non-hookers was hilarious and exciting. The stuff between Emanuel Lewis and Verne was truly - surreal. And suddenly this show is looking very good again. Emmanuelle Lewis is really a character.
Grade: A

Somewhat underrated, this comedy, written and directed by Albert Brooks, was hilarious in spots, dull in others, then really built to a very satisfying third act. Unfortunately, he completely copped out in his ending and gave us maybe one of the worst endings of all time. The funny thing is, it could've been a great ending but was completely undermined by some half-ass crawl on the screen explaining the movie away. Still - this has some nice moments.
Grade B -
(for some reason, I reviewed this twice - decided to leave both reviews in, so later in the blog you'll see me repeating myself)

Jeremy Piven and Mariah Carrey are both interviewed in this month's PLAYBOY. Mariah sounds insane and Piven sounds like an asshole.

Is there a cure for feeling ugly?

Had a weird half hour where Kevin Smith was doing the reviews with Richard via-satellite - it looked like NIGHTLINE. Funnier still was when Richard gave a thumbs up to WORDS & MUSIC and Kevin threatened to fly into the studio and strangle him.
Grade: A

Okay - I don't know what network ALN is - but that's what shows on my cable box. First, THE HONEYMOONERS is probably my favorite sitcom of all time. It started as a sketch on THE JACKIE GLEASON SHOW in the 50s, and the characters of Ralph and Norton became so popular that they cut a deal to do a 3 camera sitcom filmed in front of a live audience (very new stuff at the time.) This lead to what's widely known as the CLASSIC 39 - the only season of 39 eps they filmed in B&W. These are the reruns you'll usually find on late night tv - of the 39, probably 33 are the funniest things you'll ever see. They were near-perfect. I grew up on them and now own the full set. Later in life, they started finding all kinds of HONEYMOONERS additions. After the one season, Gleason went back to his variety shows and continued The Honeymooners sketches with only Art Carney remaining the fixture - the wives kept changing. At one point, there were quite a few new Honeymooners episodes done, and about 15 years ago, they were cleaned up and restored into what's known widely as the LOST episodes. Of these, many are really great and funny - one classic hour had Ralph and Alice trying to adopt a baby. After those runs, THE HONEYMOONERS returned yet again in the 60s - in color, with Ralph and Norton and yet another pair of tv wives. These episodes were an hour long and featured at least 3 musical numbers per episode. These are the eps that are playing now on whatever ALN is. I'd never seen these before, and am finally getting a chance to take a look at them now. They're not very good - Ralph is skinny, the guys are much older, the jokes are quite stale and the musical numbers are ridiculous - thought both Jackie Gleason and Art Carny can both sing very well. But the problem is beyond that. If you're a big HONEYMOONERS fan and want to see sort of the official "ending" - you're best off with the reunion specials that aired in the late 70s and early 80s, which took the action back to Brooklyn. But in these eps, Norton and Ralph win a songwriting contest, become famous songwriters and travel to a different exotic locale in every episode, which are chock full of guest stars. I guess if you're a completist, you need to see this - but otherwise, taking the guys out of Brooklyn and away from the roots of the show proves a deadly mistake. And the whole vibe is just sort of over. I'd stick to the classic 39 and some of the lost episodes. These are really dreadful, though - it must be said that it's some kind of pleasure to see Gleason and Carney years later still doing the same old schtick.
Grade: C -

http://youtube.com/watch?v=NR19PloL-4Y (to see trailer)
Has a great beginning - Albert Brooks plays himself and is talked into going to Muslim territories to find out what makes them laugh. Albert wrote, directed and produced. And while this film didn't get any attention - it's not bad at all. It's overlong and only about a third of the jokes connect (I'm being generous) but the larger scope of the movie was compelling and original. A noble failure.
Grade: C +

20/20 (ABC) "Self Help Rip Offs"
At the top of this special, the reporters all but said that 99 percent of the people in Los Angeles who ask you for money are total fucking crooks. Then they produced their hidden camera footage. I'm never opening my wallet again.
Grade: B


Sarah, Sarah, Sarah!

Clocked in with her best show to date. Sarah goes for an AIDS test, only to jump the gun and decide she has the disease before getting the results. One of the many, great, sublime moments had Sarah, post test, passing the mustard to her sister and commenting sadly, "So yellow." This was laugh out loud funny and uniquely different from EVERYTHING on the air currently. No wonder Comedy Central picked up the show for 2 more 7 episode seasons after just airing 2 episodes and getting 1.7 million viewers (huge for Comedy Central.) And of course - who predicted this: THE DIGITAL COUCH. But seriously, watch this latest episode. It's genius from beginning to end. Sarah has never been better, funnier or more confident. And the stuff with Laura Silverman and her boyfriend cop gets funnier every week. If you haven't noticed, I kind of like this show.
Grade: A +

Tracey Jordan gets some depth in an almost funny storyline with Alec Baldwin, and Liz is called the C word in a less then hilarious outing.
Grade: B -

Continues it's D.I.H. (Descent into Hell) as they display subtle, nimble humor (the presentations given by Michael and BJ Noveck,) and display huge gaps of credibility (not only that Jim was pretending to be a Vampire, but Dwight was buying into it.) The documentary crew has all but dissapeared as a result of the increasingly out of place absurdities in a show that's supposed to be about everyday life at an office.
There are major creative problems here and after a great first season, a stellar 2nd season - THE OFFICE AMERICA has now just about hit the rails in this latest episode. The shame here is that this was one of the best comedies on tv up until this year. But characters like Dwight and Angela and their over the top acting styles have rendered both characters useless. And the show has realy increased its reliance on sitcom-like plots and devices. Any day now they'll add a laugh track. They might as well. That Pam is back with Roy - and he would be SUCH an obvious asshole - and that she would so obviously be not into it - is bad writing.
They could've been clever and had Roy grow a bit. But anyone watching will quickly realize that this love triangle is becoming awfully easy to call. Can this show be saved? Maybe. But it's currently showing no signs of life.
And this season, the 3rd, is when many great shows have their ABBY ROAD season. This was not one of them.
Grade: C -

BeetleJuice, usually so full of life and anger, found himself in the studio, suicidaly depressed (speculation was that he was upset he had to leave Sean's house and go back to living with his mother.) It was a rare display of the beating heart that is the very soul of the Stern show. A strangely serious episode that was very reassuring in it's message.
Grade: A

Just a discussion of Artie hooking up in Vegas that had me laughing from beginning to end. Artie is just this great funny tragic figure. The fact that his sex life is now fodder for great comedy only adds to the tragedy.
Grade: B +

As harrowing and painful as any Ingmar Bergman film on the subject of Marriage. Sal plays audio tapes he secretly recorded at home during a picture taking session. It sounds like suburban hell. How Sal has sex is something that I've never heard of in my life.
Grade: A

Paris Gables was beautiful. What she did over Jeff, the vomit guy, was not. I don't want to really describe here what happened - I don't want to ruin anyone's day. If you really want to know - ask me in the COMMENTS SECTION. But as compelling as Paris was, it was Jeff, The Vomit Guy who stole the show with his Woody Allen-esque delivery, his uncompromising look at various sexual acts, and his general good humored demeanor. Completely vile. And hilarious. Grade: B +

Very funny considering Howard has recently proposed to longtime girlfriend Beth O. Personally, I'm happy about it - and this blog wishes Howard and Beth the absolute best in their marital life. However, hearing Howard rant about marriage in the old KROQ tapes, saying, just 2 years ago, that to be married in this day and age "you'd have to be fucking retarded" - that is the best wedding gift of all. The King of All Media is FINALLY getting some well deserved shit and those tapes that he fought so hard for are now here to bite him right in his ass. It's an absolute delight hearing Howard cringe, and I think this new twist to Howard's life will add a whole new chapter to this never ending soap opera that in now better then ever. If you've ever thought about subscribing to Sirious Radio, it's the least money you'll ever spend on some of the truly best entertainment ever. For Howard Stern fans, this is nirvana.
Grade: A +

If you don't recieve the HOWARD STERN show - you have no excuse. Go HERE:

An episode with most of the characters we love and none of THE OTHERS. The problem is it now seems a bit quaint compared to what else is going on at the other island. Nonetheless, this show is very much back on creative track and I'm glad they seem to have some surprises in store for us.
Grade: B

Even though I'm somewhat bored at this point by the mostly retarded cast, I do like Stephen and I kind of like David (even though he's the guy that broke up Lance and whatshisname!) - but this was the furthest MTV ever went in showing an actual gay relationship without pretense or bullshit.
Grade: B

Foget the REAL WORLD. These girls are fucking CRAZY.
Grade: A

Dwindles down to 5 rappers - my money was on Persia, and now that she's bounced - I don't think I care who wins.
Grade: C +

Had Jennifer Hudson. Let's talk about Mrs. Hudson for a moment. I love her. I think she's beautiful, has a great voice, bubbly personality - however, I've now watched about 8 different interviews with her where she does the same exact thing - she thanks God, she makes some really horrible jokes, (the extent and scope of her bad jokes and quips and asides cannot be minimized - she's a borderline SNL sketch) and she can't believe what's happening to her!
I think she's had an incredible year - but does she have any depth? Does she have any interesting insight as to her journey? Can she be that simple? I still love her, but maybe time to take her off the talk show circuit till she has something to say. And I'm not picking on her - it's impossible to pick on someone who's probably going to have a Grammy, a Golden Globe and an Oscar within two weeks.

Still watching the first season dvd - which keeps getting better - but the relationship between Isaah Washington and Sandra Oh? Completely ridiculous and out of nowhere - and even worse - it doesn't even work - it actually works against the show. I'll be curious to see where this goes. Everyone tells me Season 2 is where GREY'S really gets meaty.

Wow - a whole hour where Matt Perry wore his hat backwards (to signify crazy, reckless youth) and had flashbacks to when he met Harriet and started writing her fantastic sketches. I withstood about 9 minutes of this before deleting.
So long, Studio 60 - it was ok while it lasted, but let's be real - it had no business being on the air.
Grade: D
UPDATE: I recently read a bunch of good things about this episode - so bear that in mind - though I suspect I'd hate it even more if I had continued.

The 2 guys don't like each other - but rather then lead to sparks, it lead to boredom with an air of uncomfortablity.

Drew Barrymore on LETTERMAN (CBS)
No birthday surprise for Dave this time around. Drew is sucking in her cheeks and straightening her hair to show how "serious"she's gotten. I pray WORDS & MUSIC makes less then 30 dollars.

Watched again - this time watched the UNCORKED edition, which takes a first rate comedy and gives it some more character and some dirtier jokes. This is a GREAT comedy - with a razor sharp script courtesy of the brilliant Steve Faber.
Grade: A +

Not as outragous this week. But always compellingly trashy.

Ron Jeremy made bad, pathetic sex jokes for a full hour. CC left and the whole affair was pretty stupid.
Grade: C -

A bit of a shame. Bill Conti created a wonderful, moving score for the last film in this beloved series, and instead, they release a lovely collection of oldies mostly culled from ROCKY 1, a few cuts from 2 & 3, (EYE OF THE TIGER, BURNING HEART) - the rock songs of the Bill Conti-less ROCKY 4, where Rocky ended the Cold War. (No Easy Way Out - Heart's On Fire.) And the horrid GO FOR IT scored by Bill Conti for the excrecable ROCKY 5. Still - as far as best of's go - this one's pretty great, collecting almost all of the key tracks from all the films. Yet I'd like the opportunity to enjoy the final score - especially the new ROCKY theme that was a tribute to Maynard Ferguson, who scored a huge hit in the 70s with his version of GONNA FLY NOW with his towing Sax front and center. Maynard was supposed to come in and put his sax into the GONNA FLY NOW for the finale, but he died too soon. On another ROCKY BALBOA note, I heard that a part was created for MR. T to reprise CLUBBER LANG as a sports commentator. I wonder if this was an idea that didn't get used or if there's footage that could turn up on the dvd.
Grade: A
But for the non-release of the new Bill Conti score:
Grade: F

ON THE STREETS: The Lives Of Adolescent Sex Trade Workers
Truly heartbreaking and completely riveting at the same time, it's literary dynamite.
Grade: A +

Was excited about this until I saw their re-worked ROXANNE at the Grammys and I remembered that Sting likes to fuck up existing Police songs into sounded like they came out of a blender. Fucking Sting. He even looks like an asshole.

I can't tell you much about "the law of attraction," but then again, I'm a good secret keeper. Will this disc, touted by many as having the powers to completely change your life, completely change your life? Hmmm...I don't know - but it's an interesting theory and I am going to try it. If I notice I become more succsessful then in my wildest dreams, I'll let you know.

I promised you more shite about Catherine McFuckFace - here it is letter to the editor from last week's EW in something called:
FADING McPheever: "In one short article, Kat McPhee managed to alienate fans of Celine Dion ("She's not really what you hear - it's all studio smoke and mirrors") MeatLoaf ("I thought he was a total joke and that Ashton Kutcher was PUNKING me - he's grotesque") Justin Timberlake ("will NEVER overcome his cheesy boy band roots - he's a joke.") and fellow IDOL contestant Rubin Studderd ("I would NEVER that guy's albums.") I sort of liked her on IDOL, but who ever thought she was this self-centered?"

The DIGITAL COUCH says: I think all of our McPhever is fading.

BAM'S UNHOLY UNION (MTV)I love Bam. I love Jackass. I love Bam in Jackass. I don't really like VIVA LA BAM- though I do like WILDBOYS (Steve 0 and Chris Pontiaus) - however - this show - is complete and utter shit. It comes as close as any "reality" show could possibly come to being completely scripted and fully contrived by producers to the point where you go from "scene" to "scene." You can literally imagine the outline in your head that the writers came up with - and Bam's mother is funny when she's being real - not putting it on for the cameras. This must have seemed like a good idea - but it's deadly bad. It's as scripted as HOGAN KNOWS BEST and only about a tenth as entertaining. And HOGAN KNOWS BEST ain't that entertaining.
Grade: F

Not much to say, except that I was suprised by the amount of people that were cut. I can't berleive they kept that completely ridiculous "Hips Don't Lie" girl with her insane accent and her superstar demeanor. Or maybe she's just good television.
Grade: B -

My friend Diane's SURF REPORT has had some really tasty IDOL centric stuff - so, reprinted from her FANTASTIC newsletter, which you can sign up for by going here:
thesurfreport@gmail.com (tell diane to add you to the list!)
It's a great daily wrap up of the new shows, reviews, what to look for - and Diane is a GREAT writer - I highly reccomend it.
Here is the scandalous American Idol article:
Controversies Spotlight Idol's Tom Lowe
The latest controversy: 28-year-old ex-British boy-band'er Tom Lowe is the target of not just one but four controversies, which is a rarity even for that Fox show. Allegations include that Lowe is too successful, or too well-connected, to compete fairly on the show. Then there's the report this runner-up "Britain Choirboy of the Year" posed nude (with all the appropriate places covered) for a trendy British magazine. A college interview presents him as the first "out" gay American Idol contestant.
There are headlines how he's had influential helpers -- so influential that the British press alleges one of them may be Simon Cowell himself, and the Boston Herald says the other is the Massachusetts Tourism Board. But there's also another issue: just what, exactly, is American Idol supposed to be? Is it an obvious avenue for finding undiscovered talent (like Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood)? Or is it a shrewd method of banking on a sure thing (like Taylor Hicks, who'd already put out an album pre- Idol). And what about the show's forced notion of "wholesomeness"?
Contestant Lowe by age 18 was already an accomplished singer and a one-time British teen heartthrob. The former Take That backup vocalist on the group's 1995 UK tour followed that up with a UK hit two years later as part of the boy-band North and South, featured in a British kids TV series No Sweat. That group hit No. 7 on the UK singles chart with "Man Not a Boy", but despite the hype, sales were disapppointing and the band broke up in 1999. Lowe also had some acting success on London's West End -- the equivalent of Broadway -- landing leads in Les Miserables and Cats under the name "Tom Lucas". From there, he traveled to Harvard University where, as Thomas P. Lowe, he graduated in East Asian studies in 2005.
At Harvard, he became something of a campus legend, first competing for the title of Mr. Harvard in which contestants were "parading in bathing suits, shaking scantily-clad behinds to the tunes of Britney Spears, and performing a racy striptease," described the Harvard Crimson student newspaper. Then, "in his subdued mohawk and slight trace of black eyeliner", he was a wannabe rock-star in the campus band "Tommy and the Tigers," according to the paper, which noted that Lowe's costume choices included a pink lounge suit.
In a 2005 interview with the Crimson, Lowe appears to out himself. "Harvard allows me to dress however I want, wear my hair however I want, sleep with whomever I want," he said. He announces plans to move to New York to meet with talent agents and "sees himself playing a British rock star on The O.C. or Desperate Housewives. In the latter show, Lowe predicts he will take part in 'a gay love affair with Teri Hatcher's boyfriend. He'll meet me and decide that he is questioning his sexuality. He'll fall for my British accent.'"
The next ruckus to surround him: when the Boston Herald reported in December 2006 that Massachusetts taxpayers footed the bill for a $60,000 six-month contract to star Lowe, then an aspiring Idol contestant, in a $400,000 Web-TV video tourism promo.
The Herald reported that tourism board critics wondered why Lowe was signed up for such a long period of time in the first place. Talk about a lucky break. Then his Tourism Board bosses approached the Boston Red Sox and next thing Lowe was belting out the "The Star-Spangled Banner" in Fenway Park.
Looking blond and buff, Lowe auditioned for Idol 6 in Seattle, and immediately established himself as one of the best singers. He was called "the best-kept secret" on the Internet when he sang the Luther Vandross soul classic "Always and Forever". Though the Seattle auditions were kinda lousy, Lowe's solid one wasn't aired on Fox. (It did on ITV2 in the UK on January 19th. It's here on YouTube.)
One reason why: during his audition, Lowe was asked by judge Randy Jackson, "Simon ever try to sign your band? Replied Lowe: "No, but I believe Simon was working for BMG at the same time I was there." Jackson looked like he'd unearthed a secret. " Well, Simon," he asked. "Small world," an embarrassed-looking Cowell answered. "Small world," Jackson repeated. Immediately, the British press ran headlines how "the fix is in" on American Idol 6 and accused Cowell of planting the British pop star who was once signed to his record company. Certainly Lowe's singing ability and good looks were reason enough to move him to Hollywood. Meanwhile, the Internet began buzzing about Lowe's having "outed" himself in the Harvard Crimson.

Audiences won't find out whether Tom Lowe moves into the semifinalist round until Wednesday. But already reports are circling that Lowe didn't make it into the top 24 contestants. So did all these controversies hurt Lowe's Idol chances? You think?

Also from Diane's newsletter - remember how I didn't understand what was going on with THE GRAMMYS decision to have this weird vote thing where someone got to sing with Justin Timerlake? Diane's newsletter answered the question: Apparantly, CBS ran the contest for a month online, and the girl that got picked was a girl who was turned down on-air on IDOL. I still thought it was a really dumb idea to make the Grammys a game show.


I had a really nice post,

But my AOL shut down and I lost everything - since I don't have time to re-do - here is the aborted post in it's aborted form:

LIKED:POLICE REUNION - did not like Sting's horrible take on the song - but that's his thing - to take classics and make them unrecognizable - can't wait for the tour.
Best perf of the nite: Knarle's Barkely doing a stellar version of CRAZY.
The American Idol thing was shockingly stupid.
Does Jaime Foxx actually now think he IS Ray Charles?
Carrie Underwood is much better then I ever thought.
That HOTEL CALIFORNIA cover sounded really good.

Part RUDY, part THE ROOKIE - no parts original. But Marky Mark is good and so is Greg Kinear as the coach who takes a chance on him.
Grade: B -

Good music, harrowing story, film debut of singing porn actor PAUL THOMAS.
Grade: B +

I had forgotten it ended with a bad car chase.
Grade: B -

Artie, Benjy and the rest of the heavyweights in the cast all step on the scale (Mostly shirtless) to see who the true heavyweight it. It was no surprised that Arite won with 296 pounds - the shocker are the other weights. Benjy (who could not look more absolutely horrifying naked) was almost 260 and a good 3 inches shorter then Artie. Between his man breast and horrible skin rashes - this was disturbing. Scott Salem, the engineer - 256 pounds! Tim Sabean, the very seldom heard show manager - 254! And he pulled Artie's pants down! Howard lifted his shirt and shocked the casual viewer with how in shape he is.
All in all, another hilarious outing for the gang.
Grade: A

Valentine's Day. Liz gets flowers - Isabell Rosalinni thinks she can act funny. She can't.
Grade: B -

The best. Better then ever. Only one epsode left - maybe forever?Grade: A

THREE TIMES (DVD)I tried to watch this foreign romance THREE TIMES. It put me to bed THREE TIMES.

I don't know what Chris Elliot was trying to do on LETTERMAN the other night, but it was funny.

SNL: (Forrest Whittaker) (NBC)
Continues it's tradition of taking actors I love and making them into actors I hate.

Long lost HBO docu.
Grade: A

Continues it's quest to be the most original show on tv with another fine episode, this one higlighting the hijinks of her gay neighbors. Steve Agee, who plays the couple's other half, is a real find. Their storyline this week with the karate was great. I'd try to describe this week's ep, but it defies description. Just watch if you want to see the funniest new show on TV. And keep your eyes peeled for a quickie cameo by a late-nite fixture whose name rhymes with PAL.
Grade: A

American Dad (Fox)
Used to be funnier.
Grade: C

Funnier then ever. Peter stops drinking, so he could start crack.
Grade: A

Sorry - I had better reviews but the server shut down and I lost everything. You'll get a better one on Friday.

By the way -

Kind sucks.
He's dressed ridiculously like Sinatra, and sings ridiculously like Tony Bennet.
Billy, you're great.
Just be your self.

And apparantly, a lot of people are hating Katherine McFuckFace - she did a bunch of interviews and tv appearances in support of her new CD, and alienated a whole new crop of people. I'll try to find the article for Thursday.

Also coming Thu: The twisted tale of the movie that made only 30 bux! (Written, directed and produced by my buddy!)

Sorry this blog got screwed up - write a letter to AOL!


The Return of LOST and: The PIANO MAN RETURNS (sort of)

EXCLUSIVE: Billy Joel Shares Love Song for His Wife (NEW SONG FROM THE PIANO MAN!!!) (interview reprinted w/out permission from http://www.people.com/ )
By Liza Hamm

In 2005, Billy Joel, 57, wrote a ballad for his wife Katie Lee Joel, 25, to celebrate their first wedding anniversary. Now, he's releasing that song, "All My Life," as a single – and PEOPLE has the exclusive first listen. (
Click here to hear the song.) In honor of the occasion, the Piano Man spoke to PEOPLE about the makings of a great love song. "It's not a typical "Billy Joel song." I thought it would be great for Tony Bennett. I hope he does it, anyway. I recorded it with a full orchestra – a real old-fashioned session just like they did in the '50s. And I dressed like Frank Sinatra. I took on a whole other persona. Why try a different kind of music?I was always a little wary of being termed a balladeer. [But] at this point in my life, I don't care. I don't think a love song is substantial if it's all candy. There's a good deal of regret in this song. I have regrets in my life. Anyone who says they don't have regrets hasn't really lived. Are you a fan of Valentine's Day?It depends. When you're in love, it's great. When things aren't going well, it's a bah humbug day."
Joel also shared his five favorite love songs:1) "Whole Lotta Love," Led Zeppelin: "It's a slamming hot love song."2) "One for the Road," Frank Sinatra: "Even when I was a kid and heard that song, I got it."3) "Symphony No. 6," Beethoven: "You can hear that he was passionately in love when he wrote that."4) "In My Life," the Beatles: "I don't know why. It's like being in love. You don't know why. You just are."5) "Lay, Lady, Lay," Bob Dylan: "It's very languorous and he is such a great songwriter."

Well, this doesn't happen too often - a new Billy Joel song. The first one since 1991's RIVER OF DREAMS. That's 16 years. Long time. So last night, I thought I'd check the site a day early (it was supposed to come out today (Friday.) And I kind of stopped everything I was doing and sat down to listen to the first original Billy Joel song in 16 years. I don't think it's fair to share my impression of it just yet - rather, go to the link if you're interested - it's the PEOPLE web site - and scan down and hit PLAY - cou can't miss it and it's ez. I'll do a review of the song for Monday's blog.
Go HERE for the link to hear the new BILLY JOEL song:

LOST returns to the schedule with a very tight, well crafted episode that went pretty far in explaining a lot about THE OTHERS. I'm still anxious to get back to the Island with the characters we love, this was a pretty good way back into the show, which really seemed to be falling apart a few months ago. Still, someone should probably tell Sawyer to stop acting like a typical action hero with the typical action-comedy lines that went out with Schwarzenegger. His bad quips during and after the action have GOT to go. Otherwise - an impressive return. Although - didn't the communications guy say he sailed on his boat for 2 days and didn't see anything? That's why he returned. You'd think he would've seen the other Island. Or I could be thinking about it too much.
Grade: B +

My God - this show is da bomb. I just watched the one hour pilot and was blown away by how entertaining this is. Put together by the same producers who do REAL WORLD, this is the same idea, except all the girls in the house are HOT young strippers, models, nasty socialites - really bad girls. Far too much goes on in any given episode to give a proper run down, but just watch this when you get the chance. It's utterly addicting - and these girls - truly - are mentally insane.
Grade: A

I just came across this other review of BAD GIRLS and felt compelled to reprint it here - it does better justice to the Ripsy drunken incident:

Why did I just discover this show? It debuted a couple of week’s ago on the Oxygen network and it seriously is going to sweep the Emmy’s next year. The premise is taking 7 “bad girls” aka drunk hos and putting them up in a Los Angeles house and giving them lots of booze. It’s The Real World without annoying gays and homophobic frat dudes.
The greatest moment ever in TV history comes when Ripsi drinks a whole bottle of Tequila and starts attacking Kerry (the bad girl of country music) for absolutely no reason. She honestly chokes the ho and tries to kill her! The other girls rip Ripsi off of Kerry and put her down on the sofa. Ripsi passes out for about twenty seconds and suddenly gets up and starts throwing apples at the windows. She takes her fury upstairs and starts attacking a sleeping girl named Jodie (the wannabe Pamela Anderson.) I mean Jodie is sleeping and minding her own business when Ripsi tries to tear her weave out and punches her in the eye! She passes out and wakes up not remembering a thing! I mean…
I’m telling you…this show is the stuff dreams are made of! This clip is long, but it’s worth every minute. Ripsi deserves an Oscar and a Grammy.

The Ripsi fight really does have to be seen to be believed. Ripsi is drunk and doing yoga - the next thing you know, she's drunk and angry and fighting the entire house - you gotta watch this here: now Ripsi and her friend, Zara, were drunk, doing Yoga, then suddenly Ripsi starting attacking this girl KERRI, screaming "You're so beautiful and perfect and a hider!" - she was mad at Kerri and Jodi (who she fights later) for being pretty. This clip (they didn't post the whole thing yet) picks up after the initial attack and they throw the drunken Ripsi in the pool - it only gets crazier from there.


UPDATE: I got sucked in and watched like - 7 of these half hours. It's even better than I suspected.
The saga of Zara/Tomak/Aimee has to be seen to be believed. Ripsy's drunken tirade belongs in DAWN OF THE DEAD and is one of the most entertaining things I've ever seen on a reality show.
Revised Grade: A +

I watched Conceited MchPhee on Kimmel last nite. I just hate her so much I could barely stand it. She is so full of herself - she's a disrespectful young girl. She made fun of Meatloaf and other Idol contestants in the past - thinks she's just the bomb, says she don't need IDOL to be famous - and on Jimmy's show made fun of Dane Cook's haircut. Not that Dane Cook is any genius, (far from it) but at least he struggled to become well known. And he is a genius at manipulating MY SPACE to make the world believe he's funny.

The psuedo commercial for BABE RUTH on Kimmel's show the same show was hilarious. Probably funnier then any SNL commercial parody all year.

Part 2 of "the harriet dinner" kind of renegged on everything I liked about part 1. Not a great finish. The idea that the Asian guy spoke English the whole time was insulting, as was the general direction of this whole thing. And I don't think I could bare one more shot of a lovelorn Mathew Perry. In fact, if they run with that shot again - I might die.
Grade: D

Phyliss' wedding episode. Mostly very funny. This ep felt a little different in that the humor was a bit more subtle. Whenever this show is subtle, it reminds me of the much better, funnier and heartfelt BBC version - but last night the humor was small - so the laughs were big.
Grade: B +

Pretty fun rundown of the last 10 years in reality tv. Certainly not nessessary viewing, but if u're truly bored, this could be the ticket.
Grade: C

Boy, could I not get into this movie. Lindsey Lohan is torn between being good and REALLY sucking - but the movie is just (I think) mainly for fans of....I'm not sure. I guess Robert Altman.

I'm ready for the competition to start. But that one contestant at the end where they brought her back was a nail-biter.

Always saliciously great.
Grade: A

I watched a full-screen version of the unedited version of this film with a friend the other nite - this is a great modern day horror film that could've used about 20 minutes edited out of the middle, but nonetheless, the movie is a horror knockout. The last half hour is awesome. Make sure you get the unedited version.
Grade: B +

So - I wasn't the only one who loved the DAKOTA FANNING sketch on SNL - POPWATCH, EW's online blog has THIS to say about it:

In case you missed it ('SNL' edition)
reprinted without permission / Feb 5, 2007, 05:26 PM by Whitney Pastorek
The obligatory Saturday Night Live post from me this week goes out to Amy Poehler and her masterful impersonation of
Dakota Fanning and what would happen if she were given a talk show. Pynchon references and physical comedy? It quite simply gets no better. Dear SNL: As I know you're listening, please do make this weekly. Thank you.

To see the entire hilarious sketch, go here:


Grade: C

Janice uses the shtick of a Catskills comedian badly, then litearally stands back and waits for a laugh track. Just what I need, an absolute older hottie model who has brain damage and is trying to be Eddie Murphy.
Grade: C -



Arrived Thursday night at 10 30 on Com Central and I found it to be the most original, unique, laugh out loud funny show that I've seen in I can't remember how long. The setup is sitcom simple - Sarah lives with her younger sister (played by real life sister Laura) and they have 2 next door gay neighbors. Sarah begins a romance with a cop and that's about it. The pilot story was about how Sarah had to watch a show called "Cookie Party" alone, which she said would be "great, terrifying, challening...". There were dozens of great moments of Sarah just kind of playing off her persona - at one point an old black woman she'd never before in the grocery store shows her a picture of her grandchild, whom she says "I love most in the world." Sarah replies "That's 'cause you haven't met me, yet." She does this with both innocence and a knowing smirk letting us all in on her joke. These are funny, great characters and the show itself comes packed with invention, with Sarah singing (like in JESUS IS MAGIC) and extended hilarious animated sequences. This is a very big moment for Sarah and I think this show is going to quickly become known as special. If you don't believe me, check out Sarah's scene with her dog. The dog yawns and Sarah says, "What am I - boring you?" The bizarre argument between the cop and the unseen neighbor seemed to come out of nowhere and was so strangely funny. Right now, there's only an order for six, but my hunch is that THE SARAH SILVERMAN SHOW will be around until Sarah doesn't want to do it anymore. Thank Comedy Central for recognizing something truly special and funny.

While I'm already down this road, Sarah was a scream last week during her extended visit to the Stern Radio Show where she talked about everything from hating the sound of her own voice to her strange views on adoption. Great appearance.
Lastly, for a great article that originally appeared on Sarah in the NEW YORKER, go here:

On the subject of Howard, I recently caught a few of the ON DEMAND SHOWS - these deserve special mention:

I might've talked about this last time and I don't know if it's still available, but it's a perfect storm as Sal, Richard, Howard, Robin, Ralph and the E! crew conspire to make Gary really lose his shit. One of the funniest half hours ever.

Bigfoot, the 8 foot whack packer, came in stoned and did a set with his band that had to be seen to be believed. I thought Artie was going to die from a heart attack he was laughing so hard. Truly theatre of the absurd.

Some ball busting fan came in, made a bunch of comparisons regarding Artie and his weight, then made the heavyweight get on the scale - 296 - his highest yet. Cut to the radio show, Artie missed a few days, claiming illness. I hope to God that's what it was - because Artie has been the best addition to the show in five years and he seems like a generally good guy and I hope he pulls it together and takes care of himself. But in the meantime, it's hilarious to see these guys breaking his balls constantly. At the same time, it's depressing because Artie deserves to treat himself better.
Grade: A -

Even though I very recently gave this poorly executed show a decent review for a couple of well done episodes, it seems it may be not enough to save this beleaguered program:
The bell tolls for 'Studio 60'
Feb 2, 2007, 05:44 PM by Gary Susman
Is Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip back at deaths door? For a while, it appeared the show had been saved from cancellation, thanks to NBC's order for a full season's worth of episodes, a slight uptick in the ratings, and Aaron Sorkin's apparent recognition that his Monday night dramedy needed a change in direction. But this afternoon, there comes a press release from NBC that, if you read between the lines, suggests the series may be gone for good by the end of the month.
The press release announces the March 5 debut of the drama The Black Donnellys in Studio 60's timeslot. Now, that alone doesn't mean that Studio 60 is never coming back. But the same press release also notes that 30 Rock is giving up its space in March to Andy Richter's new comedy, Andy Barker, P.I., but is returning after just one month, on April 19. There's no fixed date for Studio 60 to resume; the release says merely that it "will return later this season on a date to be determined." Well, maybe it will, or maybe it'll come back in the summer to burn off the remaining episodes—or maybe NBC will air them only over the Internet.
Studio 60 gets a lot of flak on EW.com, including some from me in my
TV Watch column, prompting some readers to ask why I write about the show every week if I hate it so much. I don't hate it, but I find it incredibly frustrating. All that talent—Sorkin, the blue-chip cast (led by Matthew Perry, pictured)—and all those lofty aspirations, marred by weak execution, lazy writing, dramatic issues that are hard to care about, and a lack of verisimilitude (these characters are comedy professionals, so where's the funny?). There are occasional laughs, and occasional moments of brilliance, but apparently not enough of them to keep people watching. Still, I (and many of you, I'm sure) keep tuning in every week, hoping that this will be the week the show finally lives up to its potential for greatness. Better hurry up, Studio 60; you may have only four more weeks to dazzle us.

DIGITAL COUCH SAYS: Don't count on it.

The opening IDOL parody was shamefully bad. Drew's monolauge was okay. The high point came early on, when Amy Poehler did an impression that echoed everything I've said about Dakota Fanning for the last 4 years. Amy was brilliant as the older then her years, robot-like Dakota. She also captured the bullshit hollywood speak that Dakota's been talking since she was 4. I remember when she was in I AM SAM, like 3 years ago (She was about 8) and she said "You turn around and you're working with Sean Penn - I mean, it's like wow - Sean Penn from Fast Times and Bad Boys - this guy is an American treasure! And then you look on your right and you see Robert Duvall - The Great Santini, Godfather - this guy is acting gold." I repeat, she was fucking 8. The rest of the show was just okay - a better entry in a horrible season. The sketches got more and more pathetic, such as the 100 year old sketch where Maya Rudolph impersonate Versaci's daughter for the 1,000th time. I think that sketch started over a decade ago. And Horatio Sanz made a slightly skinnier, unfunny cameo in it. He should've brought back "I'M CAROL!!!"
WEEKEND UPDATE is now completely unwatchable due to fucking unfunny Seth Myers, and all is lost.
Grade: D
Dakota Fanning sketch: A

This blog has been a bit MEat-Centric as of late - but I did watch this by accident the other day, so suffice to say that if you're a Loaf fan, this is a great addition to Meat's DVD cannon - (But why no official releases from the BAT 1 days (I know they have those shows on film) and a concert from the BAT 2 days (amazing shows.)
Meat's voice is decent, but the songs are needlessly stuffed with little extras to give Meat a chance to catch up vocally - yet it's still a great trip to hear these songs in this setting with a fulaccomplishedhed orchestra behind him. Probably the best moment on the disc is Meatloaf's rendering of BAT OUT OF HELL, which the band adapts to perfectly. This is probably the last time you'll ever hear Meat sounding this good, as it seem the Loaf is only effective these days in-studio. A theory I'll test out personally when I drive to San Diego in 2 weeks with my friend Steven to go see the MEATLOAF: SIEZE THE NIGHT tour - his only stop in CA.
Grade: B

I can't imagine a worse commercial than the one currently airing for MUSIC & LYRICS, the new romantic comedy starring Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. Not only does it look nauseating, but the ads are in the annoying habbit of having them say a really lame joke then cutting away from it like they just showed us a flash of genius is more irritating then seeiHillaryary Swank "vibing" with the ghetto children in her intolerable FREEDOM WRITERS puff piece currently airing non stop on ON DEMAND.

I obviously want to love this show. It's smart. It's funny - yet it's increasingly so over the top in a format that is not so forgiving. The beauty of the earlier eps and BBC show is that they were subtle. In this version, you have Dwight and Angela doing a bad production of GREASE 2 half the time, bringing the level of the whole enterprise down. Still, the Jim/Pam triangle continues to be compelling, and Steve Carell is more often then not right on the money as Michael.
Grade: C +

Another winner as Alec Baldwin takes Liz Lemon on a date that isn't a date. But then I thought the ep got into weird territory by having Alec's ex show up and be so weird.....Pee Wee Herman guested and was funny for a minute, and Jane whatshername is getting better with every episode. Tracy Morgan's storyline with the hooker party was kind of funny, but I wish they'd make that guy 3 dimensional and put some meat on those bones.
Grade: B +

I won't go into the ep, but suffice it to say, if you think FAMILY GUY, SOUTHPARK and all the other great new animated shows are the way of the future, you're right. But THE SIMPSONS is still really fucking funny and shows no signs of aging.
Grade: B

SOUTH PARK (COM)There was a hilarious SOUTH PARK repeat the other nite where the gang decides to become an agency and represent Token. They buy powersuits and cell phones and it was a real skewering of the representation business.
Grade: B

Parts 1 & 2 - the shorts & the longs.
Released as 2 CDs back about eight years ago, I completely dismissed these CDs as overly produced. I remember SERIOUS HITS, LIVE by Phil Collins and how bad it sucked and how Phil had brought no passion but just these re-created studio perfect versions of his newer hits. But, because you can buy these CDs for about .11 cents a piece on AMAZON USED, I figured what the hell. And boy, was I wrong. The first CD has all the "shorts" - meaning the under 6 minute songs like Mama, That's All, Throwing It All Away, In Too Deep (sadly, no songs from ABACAB are included - like my 2 favorites Old Man On The Corner and No Reply) but just about every other hit is represented here. The shocker was the quality of the performances. Truimpassionedned vocals from Phil Collins make even drivel like INVISIBLE TOUCH sound golden. Then the second disc, THE LONGS, have the full HOME BY THE SEA, DRIVING THE LAST SPIKE, and one of my personal favorites FADING LIGHTS (a 12 minute Genesis masterpiece and the last recorded song ever by Genesis with Phil Collins fronting the band.) These are GREAT versions of these old songs.
Grade: A


"Wolfgang was Bill Graham, the man whose genius for bringing performer and audience together shaped the rock concert as we have come to know it. Born Wolfgang Grajonca in Berlin in 1931, he escaped Nazi Germany to grow up in a foster home in the Bronx and anglicized his name at the age of 18. Bill Graham, who would come to be known as the midwife of the modern rock concert, was smart and forward-thinking, an opportunist and a listener, fair and ferociously demanding, and he remembered his roots: in the 1980s he opened a small San Francisco club and named it Wolfgang's."

If you haven't heard about this yet - check out http://concerts.wolfgangsvault.com/Artists.aspx?s=a


It's WOLFGANG'S CONCERT VAULTS. Wolfgang was a big concert promoter in the 70s and 80s - he keepsstreamableble archive of great shows at this site. If you know how to record from the stream to your computer (it's not that hard) - you can save these shows forever. (HINT - if you use MUSIC MATCH JUKEBOX, go to RECORDING OPTION, pick SYSTEM MIXER and then put the player volume all the way up - then start the show you want and hit start on your recorder. It'll record whatever sound is in your computer.)

There are some great Bowie shows, a fantastic Tracey Chapman acoustic show, and so much more.
The Phil Collins show is AWESOME. A total A plus. This particular show originally aired on HBO about 14 years ago, but now exists in it's original 2 hour glory. Phil sings every great song from his first 2 cds, FACE VALUE and HELLO, I MUST BE GOING. There are great versions of DONT LET HIM STEAL YOUR HEART AWAY, THE ROOF IS LEAKING, THIS MUST BE LOVE, THRU THESE WALLS and YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
Here's the show:

for a GREAT GENESIS show, go here:
But the 2 CDS I just bought are WAY better and more definitive performances. *Genesiseis, not Phil.

You can also stream what's thought of as perhaps the best Springsteen concert ever recorded here:
It's the 3 hour Wonderland show from 78 - amazing.

Here's another great Bruce show from the TUNNEL OF LOVE TOUR:

I'm getting real excited about the return of THE SOPRANOS in April.

A real bunch of retards. Colon liked this guy at OUTWARD BOUND where they work, and the bosses asked them not to date, since they work together. So Colin, even though she barely knows this guy, made this huge deal about the fact that she's never been told not to see anyone and this is horrible. Repeat, they don't even know each other! So this guy then quits his job to date Colon, and Colon is freaking out - saying she can't believe how happy she is. She actually says "Nobody can ever tell me what my heart can do. Nobody can ever tell me what my vagina can do." What? She said it. Nobody tells her vagina anything! This group of idiots aren't even that entertaining. MTV had really better up the casting for the next installment. Ah, the glory days of REAL WORLD HAWAI - seems like it'll never happen again.
Grade: D

Anyone who reads my blog knows how I love Billy Joel. On the 9th of this month, I think on the PEOPLE web site, Billy offers a free mp3 download of his first pop song he's written in 15 years - here's the story along with the link. I can't even think about how it's going to sound - I'm hoping for the best, but prepared for the worst.

Came down to a fiery and nail-biting conclusion last nite. For whatever it's worth, even though I seriously rooted for Marcel, he just kind of fell apart in the end. He lost his fish, screwed up his salad, and wasn't as great with the judges as his finopponentent. As for his opponent, he is such a bore that I can't remember his name. I also thought it was pretty disgusting how anti-Marcel everybody was, and it seems like Ella or Sam should've been in the final against Marcel, not the boring dude who won. If you don't watch this show, you should.
Grade: B +

Not that anyone's asking, but I fucking hate Katherine McPhee. First, she makes fun of Meatloaf to a packed room of reporters for being fat. Now that her cd's out (which i really hope goes nowhere) Meredithith Viera asked her if this is all happening because of IDOL. She said it's happening NOW because of Idol, but if not for the show, she'd still become very popular because it was her destiny one way or the other. Then they showed her a clip of the heavyset guy singing last night on IDOL (he was GREAT) and she laughed. The guy is a brilliant singer, and when they asked McPhee what she thought, all she could muster was "I don't want to be mean." That's true - I guess we all can't all be born beautiful. And why speak if the only thing that pops into your bullemia infected brain is to say something mean. I hope something happens to truly humiliate her this year in a truly vile way. At this point, nobody is more deserving of a Dirty Sanchez.

Re-watched this recently with a buddy - this is a horror film as if shot by Scorsesee circa 1979 - a chilling, realistic must-see.
Grade: A
And a plethora of extras in the new double disc edition with fine new 5.1 mix.

I'm sorry, rewatched THE DEPARTED - I still don't think it's great.

Lastly, My friend Corey had not seen my favorite comedy of the last 4 years, WINDY CITY HEAT - the DVD boasts a slightly longer cut with tons of extras - but it's the movie that's the star of this DVD set. Still hands down the funniest movie I've seen in ages.
Grade: A +
Until next time...


a bunch of reviews nobody will care about.

Was actually good this week as it seemed to settle into straight romantic-comedy territory. This is something Sorkin does quite well and I like the new direction. But the fact that Harriet did the dolphin voice and now it's all over the internet waiting for the dolphin sketch? That wouldn't even happen on SNL, much less a MAD TV like knock off. But I liked the first of this 2 parter. This could actually be a sign of good things to come on this beleagured show.
Grade: B -

Stewie and Brian go looking for Stewie's teddy bear, which Brian accidently gives away. One of the funniest half hours of the year. The sequence with Stewie as he dances with Gene Kelly is astonishing and hilarious. This episode reached some kind of apex and was a stellar outing.
Grade: A

Where 24 is going wrong, PRISON BREAK is going right. The varying stories are starting to get really fun, the conspiracy actually works, and this episode had many genius plot devices. The analyzation of the tape and then the fake out and the figuring out of what they want....An episode that kept topping itself with clever twists and now has a fantastic dark hero in the renegade FBI bad guy from the first season. The video they put on the air, if you're a fan of the show, was astonishing.
Grade: A +

Another great episode. What can I say - there was a lot of good tv on this week. If you follow this show, you know how crazy it is. This latest was no exception. I'm really starting to like 12 pack, can't believe the sheer lunacy of Boston, and still think they're getting a raw deal by having to be with New York. But this show and the personalities are WILD.

Another so-so entry in an interesting story and a very sad man.
Grade: C

Getting dumb.
Grade: C -

I realized this weekend that shows like this are really the natural replacement for written half-hour sitcoms. The producers CLEARLY do a lot of meddling to make the stories fall into place - they are heavily edited and the emphasis is really on light comedy and your reaction to these shows usually depend on your tolerance for the subject. The Hogan Family understands this and very astutely doesn't give the audience too much to think about. Instead we get a very amiable, normal family somewhat in which the father happens to be a larger then life superstar (and usually looking fairly miserable) and the oldest daughter is trying to make a big music career happen (which I just don't see happening, with the exception of a few novelty hits - Hogan Jr. just doesn't have it.) It's always a little frightening to see how mother and daugher look alike, sound alike, and Brooke, this might kill you - but you are going to have mom's body within a few short years. All that aside, this is a mostly enjoyable show with no real-life consequences. The Hogans seem to live in a superficial bubble of reality tv. That said, there's never any moments here that feel very real, and the drama is always limited to what Brooke's going to wear for the shoot that night to cover up the fact that she's not model-thin (although the show usually angles it as "too revealing." It's far from essential viewing, but I think a show that will serve as a model as we get more and more of these kinds of shows in the future.
Grade: C

I've seen this at LARGO with the two guys, who are pretty funny. Somehow, it doesn't translate to this somewhat lame sitcom. I couldn't get through the whole thing.
Grade: D

Has outlived it's usefulness - it's the same exact show every year. I think I'm done.
Grade: C -

I just saw this movie last night on HBO and I guess hadn't realized it was produced by the Farrelly brothers. I remember when it was out in the theater thinking it was too goofy to be any good. Johnny Knoxville plays a guy who fakes being mentally disabled in order to compete in the special olympics. While I figured the movie would be mean spirited about it's subject, it's exactly the opposite. It's hilarious and kind of warm hearted. While no classic, this had me engaged pretty much all the way though - and I don't know if they used real mentally challenged actors, but the players are really good and funny. This was a real underrated gem if you ask me. The direction is good, Knoxville is kind and funny, and the 90 minute running time helps things zip along. Definitely a good diversion.
Grade: B